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August 30, according to the whole market report, Lazio is trying to bring in Wolfsburg midfielder Franks, the player himself wants to return to Serie A to prove himself. Lazio are making an effort to bring in Wolfsburg's Belgian midfielder Franks, who they are in contact with and are prepared to offer a "4+1" contract, the report said. It is unclear whether Lazio will also try to sign Florenshaw if they succeed in signing Franks. Napoli, Bologna, Fiorentina and Aston Villa have all tried to land Franks for months, but after Fiorentina secured Katardi, it looks like Lazio are ready to sign Franks as their replacement. Franks had previously played for Milan, but his performances were not satisfactory. Now he wants to return to Serie A and prove himself.🦒best online cricket betting apps in india,A great software, it is worthy of everyone.
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